Samosas aren't Indian

The idea of stuffing things into dough isn’t that complicated. The Mongols have Khushuur, Georgians...

3 minute read

Is technology good?

The Therac-25 was a radation therapy machine, incredibly advanced for its time, running the latest...

2 minute read

Next Billion Users

Airplanes enabled the British Empire’s army in Singapore to monitor vast tracts of Malaya without...

4 minute read

Our processed information diet

There’s a parable about Doritos - that they were engineered by taste scientists to be...

4 minute read


The predictive processing model of neuroscience has been one of the most intuitively sensible and...

3 minute read

Long Space

I play a lot of long games. I am patient and can defer reward from...

4 minute read

Bread - Singapore

Singapore’s bread scene is mixed. There are quite a few artisan bakers such as Nick...

2 minute read